Get well and stay well - naturally.

Hello and Welcome to Welty Wellness and Nutrition!

I'm Leigh Ann, a Holistic Health Practitioner committed to helping women uncover the underlying causes of their health concerns and guiding them to feel their best.

I’ve experienced the struggle of daily heartburn, bloating, unpredictable mood swings, self-deprecating anxiety, brain fog, and trouble sleeping. Identifying these issues allowed me to address imbalances in my body and embark on a genuine healing journey. I discovered the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Holistic Health healing philosophies, gained meaningful insights and solutions, and I'm here to guide you in finding your own answers and pave the way for your healing journey.

I believe that each woman’s concerns deserve to be heard. “Normal” test results don’t mean “Optimal” and we know when something in our body is “off”. Instead of looking at one symptom and trying to put a band aid on it (pills/surgery), I look at the body as a whole. I use functional lab screenings and energetic testing to investigate further, reveal hidden healing opportunities, and teach my clients how to take control of their own health thru proper nutrition, lifestyle, and behavior choices.

Nutrition may be the foundation of health and wellness, but nutrition is not just about “healthy” eating. Total body nourishment (i.e. health, wellness, vitality, metabolism) must take into account ALL the things we do or don’t do on a daily basis in regard to diet, rest, movement, exercise, breathing, light exposure, and most importantly stress management. While nutrients in our food are fundamental for health, if the other aspects of our nutrition are imbalanced, the impact of what we eat diminishes and overall wellness suffers.

I am truly passionate about empowering women to take control of their own health. Why simply SURVIVE when you can THRIVE? Our bodies are designed to heal and when we “feed” them what they need and remove the “debris” causing imbalance and dis-ease, total body wellness is possible!

I finally got my real answers…let me help you get your real answer too!!

Schedule a Holistic Health Consultation Today

The purpose of this call is so I can learn more about your
current health concerns, health goals, and see if we are a good
fit to work together. I look forward to chatting with you!

Nourishing Roots for Abundant Life, Good Health, and Happiness

Leigh Ann Welty, HHP, FDN-P
Board Certified Holistic Health Practioner (HHP)
Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practioner (FDN-P)
Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Professionals